Sunday, 16. April 2006

Drinking on a christian day,stumbling home and the morning after

So this is it, i thought as i came up the hill and saw the giant restaurant bar kind of thing were
hundreds of already drunk and wasted people ran around. What's next, oh yeah i need to find
my friends. Not an easy task but i found them after some time...they seemed to not even notice
me. Lack of respect? No to much alcohol but who am i to talk i mean i was pretty drunk myself
so... back to the giant restaurant. I never ever thought i have seen so many fucks in one place!
Good god i thought so many stupid assholes in one place. (i continued to think that the whole

So while we all were talking and drinking suddenly everything around my went silent and a song
was playing in my head. I figured out it was "Crosses" by José González. This was weired cuz
the thought then came up in my head - Why on fucking earth do we all drink and get stuffed?
What the hell are we celebrating? Then suddenly it struck me. We celebrate Jesus being nailed
to the cross? No that was no the righ thing...ohh yes, then it got to me we celebrate Jesus rising
to the heavens above... What a nice thing, we all get fucking drunk with a bunch of people we
do not even know because Jesus has risen to the heavens above. What a load of shit, i thought to myself. That is no reason to drink and although i do not believe in the god we always hear about still there is no reason to drink and celebrate that.

The evening continued with low budget talking and even cheaper beer and other stuff that I do
not recall. After i got home, the exact time I do not recall I had the whole night passing by me
in my mind. Wow that really was a useless, senseless and absolutley worthless night of

So the morning or day after was also fun. It was kind of like the opposit of being on a tropical isle
with nicewarm weather and wonderful food and nice people around. So the weather sucked,
I have no damn food at home (as usual) and I am all alone which is fine.

The overall resume is: I spent a lot of money for alcohol which i could have spent for CDs.
I have a cold now which i would not have if I stayed at home.
My head feels like steel workers are hammering on it.

Nevertheless I am going to that thing next year again !!!

Jenna Angelina
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