Monday, 3. July 2006

The current Top 10 on my playlist + a confession

1. Ryan Adams - Call me on your way back home
2. Escpate the Fate - The Ransom
3. UnderOath - Moving for the sake of motion
4. Funeral For A Friend - History
5. Crash Romeo - Serious
6. All Time Low - Coffee Shop Soundtrack
7. Funeral For A Friend - Drive
8. Flogging Molly - Laura
9. Brand New - Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die
10. The Flaming Lips - The W.A.N.D.

So you know that thing that every normal person has...yeah right the brain,mine is not working correct right now and i was wondering if anyone out there can tell me where i can return that piece of shit and get a new functioning one cuz the on i have is just fucked up, i can not reboot it or reset it nor can i just throw it away, it sucks...pleaze people help me...

Jenna Angelina
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