Star Wars - Episode III: The 3rd try to watch an entire Star Wars movie

So this is something that normally should go into an email straight forwarded to Michael:

DUDE we have to watch a whole Star Wars movie! I mean not only try but really really
do that...I heared those movies are fun and kick ass!!!

Set date is 5th Wednesday...

I am curious...
jtr - 2. Apr, 17:43

Yeah, right. Watch a WHOLE Star Wars movie... as if that was possible... ;)

ryanadams - 2. Apr, 22:02

Well,i heared somewhere on this rotten planet some people live and they actually watched
all 6 parts in one giant there has to be a way for us to get to the end of one and
not go insane or start to use our imaginary jedi forces on people! :-)
jtr - 3. Apr, 15:11

I watched Lord of the Rings in one giant session. And afterwards, I wasnt quite sure if I was human or hobbit... so better not do something like that again.
But SW2 was on TV yesterday and I watched it, at least the last half hour or so... So basically, I just have to watch the middle part now and I have it complete! :)
ryanadams - 4. Apr, 21:52

We said 7 you dumb whore...(no idea what the exact last word was,bang or bag)

If this gay stuff continues i will buy a sing which says "Gayville" for my door!
jtr - 4. Apr, 22:36

you replied at the wrong place...

and I guess its "dumb whore bag" :)
ryanadams - 5. Apr, 14:16

I guess my lack of sleep is finally showing up...

who knows,who cares and you deleted it anyway i guess...or at least i can not see my last
post...other reason could be that i have like 5 explorer windows open at the same time? :-)
jtr - 5. Apr, 17:07

your last post is at the very bottom of all these comments.of course i dont delete stuff at your website, i dont log in as long as you dont ask me to...
ryanadams - 3. Apr, 19:25

Well, i guess on Wednesday we just start like at 3 in the afternoon then we have a pretty good chance of finishing the movie. But then on the other hand maybe we throw in a bottle of Jack and Coke which will decrease our chances again...yumm Jack and Coke...!

jtr - 3. Apr, 22:55

We'll see - if *you* have time and 3 pm and not 1,000 things to do, then why not? but if the weathers fine, we should start a little later and take a walk in the park instead...... hm....did that just sound really gay?? ;)
ryanadams - 3. Apr, 23:14

Actually i am very suprised that you did not mention the Jack Daniels?

Sounded kind of gay but i have to admit if i say we should get some Jack and take a walk in
the park how gay is this? :-)

btw i have an exam on Thursday so I'll get up early and learn and we will see how it goes
from there...
jtr - 3. Apr, 23:19

well, jack daniels is always welcome in my stomach and veins, I'd say. ;-)

and drinking first and then walking 'round sounds nice. IF the weather is fine,.... today wasnt so fine afterall (bah.). hm.. if you've got an exam of Thursday, then we'll better not drink too much, eh?
ryanadams - 3. Apr, 23:23

Naww, fine by me - i mean the drinking not any other gay stuff :-)

Well it is just a kind of first test which is not even counted for the final grade so who cares...

Weather today sucked...I had to go to the Uni just as it started to rain down like hell...but
everything is better than any more snow falling from the sky...this winter i picked up
a descent hate against snow and white colors!!!
jtr - 3. Apr, 23:26

@winter: fucking absolut!
ryanadams - 3. Apr, 23:35

@fucking absolut: VSV is Meister! Ole!!!
jtr - 4. Apr, 00:23

yeah, congrats to Greg fucking Holst and the topscorer of the fucking league, bousquet! and the whole fucking team, of course.

edit: check this out. ->comment by "haar in der suppe". =)
ryanadams - 4. Apr, 01:00

@comment: Wuahahahahahah

Oh and by the way let me know by tomorrow what you wanna eat on Wednesday...will buy or
steal stuff for the Star Wars session...

(now that sure as hell sounded very gay)
jtr - 4. Apr, 13:52

I wanna eat? I dunno - Spaghetti is always great, eh? Will I be cooking? (well, THIS is really souding gay now)
ryanadams - 4. Apr, 19:11

This gay thing is really really starting to fucking absolutley freaking me out.

I'd say if i go and buy stuff I will just select a bit of everything...Pizza, noodle soup, salad....
jtr - 4. Apr, 21:22

hmmmm.. soup... i mean noodle soup....... dammit!!! I practiced with noodle soup.. ;)

just surprise me, honey.
ryanadams - 6. Apr, 01:25

Yay Yay,

we FINALLY watched the movie...we did it, now let's go and punch out god!!!*haha*

jtr - 6. Apr, 02:29

lol. yehaa, we did it. and Obi-Wan is still the greatest jedi of all time! :)
I'm already awaiting Episode IV - haven't seen the film since a LOT of years. perhaps you've got time earlier this week? (btw, we cannot drink whiskey next wednesday, because I gotta work on Thursday morning...)
ryanadams - 6. Apr, 17:07

We could maybe set another date for Episode IV, can't weit either btw...oh and next
Wednesday i do not even have time,sorry but the yearly Checkpoint meeting sit in stuff
is taking place...

We could watch on Sunday this week, you know no more hockey on Sundays which
means more whiskey on Sundays! :-)

*btw i have to say this method is much more complicated than using a phone but cheaper*

Episode IV - Darth kicks Obis old hairy ass...yay!!! Don't ge me started on Darths metal
ass, though... :-)
jtr - 6. Apr, 18:25

You got Skype? Using that, you can talk via Internet (you have to have a mic, though). We could use that...

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