My state of mind...

Let's get fucked up and die...
I'm speaking figuratively, of course...
Like the last time that I committed suicide...
Yeah, so I'm already dead on the inside,
But I can still pretend with my memories and photographs,
I have learned to love the lie...
jtr - 20. Apr, 01:22

A good day to die... is a good day to start life new.
If anyone can take a action as broad as suicide, why not take the same energy to try and change the things that limited them?? (paraphrased from Wayne Coyne)

ryanadams - 20. Apr, 09:36

Social suicide!!!

Not even a thought wasted on real suicide...
jtr - 20. Apr, 16:46

I know. You can adapt the same idea to social sucide. so live in solitude when you could find people who actually like the same things as you??
ryanadams - 21. Apr, 01:13

How can anyone care if nobody knows who you really are?
jtr - 21. Apr, 02:04

do you really think nobody knows who you really are?
Anyways, we should get together soon and empty a bottle ... and talk and ponder about life, love, humans etc.
ryanadams - 21. Apr, 11:00

I wasn't ready to go, I'm never ready to go...

empty a bottle and listen to Ryan!!!

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