Billy Talent II out on 27th June (US), 23rd (Europe)

Here is some teasing for the upcoming release of Billy Talents 2nd record,i got it yesterday and i have to say it fucking blows your ears off...what an amazing rocking piece of music...

*There used to be 2 videos down here but as some ppl did not like em (bla bla linking them bla bla) and they were annoying the hell outta myself i took em offline*
jtr - 25. Jun, 12:48

putting two big videos on a front page isnt exactly the best idea... linking to them would be much better!

ryanadams - 29. Jun, 00:15

Awww fuck you too!!!

just kidding...

first i am not that big in linking shit together or even talking the time to do so...i don't know i mean i know how it works but i just did not do so...

well well
jtr - 29. Jun, 19:03

I'd say linking is much easier than putting them on the front page. there is less html code necessary to do so.
jtr - 16. Jul, 11:56

"some people" - there was only me complaining about them.. whatever.
You could have linked them tho. Better than just deleting. nag nag.
ryanadams - 21. Jul, 01:40

Bli bla bla blü blä

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