The current Top 10 on my playlist + a confession

1. Ryan Adams - Call me on your way back home
2. Escpate the Fate - The Ransom
3. UnderOath - Moving for the sake of motion
4. Funeral For A Friend - History
5. Crash Romeo - Serious
6. All Time Low - Coffee Shop Soundtrack
7. Funeral For A Friend - Drive
8. Flogging Molly - Laura
9. Brand New - Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die
10. The Flaming Lips - The W.A.N.D.

So you know that thing that every normal person has...yeah right the brain,mine is not working correct right now and i was wondering if anyone out there can tell me where i can return that piece of shit and get a new functioning one cuz the on i have is just fucked up, i can not reboot it or reset it nor can i just throw it away, it sucks...pleaze people help me...
jtr - 4. Jul, 05:26

soothe. chill out. get clear. try some silence on a summer morning at the beach or something similar..
it's only in silence we can find to ourselves, right? when all the noise of day by day has gone, we can truly listen to the inner self. (and still, i'm no goddamn hippie, even if i sound like one now!)

jtr - 12. Jul, 02:39

hey there. i know it doesnt make sense at all and its not even barely concerning your posting, but i dont wanna post these two vids on my site right now - but you gotta see them (and by tomorrow i will surely have forgotten to remind you), so anyway:


ryanadams - 20. Jul, 13:40

Yes...those two were great...

i laughed my fucking ass off!!!

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